After Vermeer ( Images | Introduction | Print Sales )
The photographs are Platinum-Palladium prints, printed by 31 Studio (
Limited Edition of 5 prints plus 1 artists proof and 1 printers proof.
Paper size 84 x 64.5 cm.
The photographic prints in this portfolio were made using the special technique known as the platinum palladium process. This technique involves great expertise both in the preparation of the precious metal salts of platinum and palladium used and in the coating by hand of the watercolour paper with the light sensitive emulsion. The results give an unparalleled luminosity to the prints due to the greatly extended tonal range, which is capable of retrieving the finest nuances of light and shade. Photographs made using this process are also valued for their longevity - the stability of the platinum and palladium ensures that the prints will last for centuries without any changes. Preparing the prints for this exhibition has involved close co-operation between the artist and 31 Studio over several years.
For more information contact Nicky Akehurst:
Akehurst Creative Management
Telephone (within the UK): 020 3012 0056
Telephone (outside the UK): + 44 20 3012 0056